House System and Rewards Store
Free forever
Improve student behavior, effort and achievement with

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Watch Intro to Metaverse

Kickstart Student Engagement at Your School

CritterCoin is a fun, engaging, and flexible way to implement PBIS and character building. It motivates students to exhibit positive behaviors and fosters a positive school culture.
Digital Coins

Digital Coins

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Design custom coins and give them to students as a reward for positive behavior. Your school's coins have point values that contribute to House scores and Rewards Store balances.
House Points

House System

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Run an engaging House Point system. It's easy to give points to Houses and students, just give out Digital Coins when students exhibit positive behavior. CritterCoin will track your House points in real-time.
Rewards Store

Rewards Store

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Students can earn points to spend in your School Rewards Store. CritterCoin will manage student balances. CritterCoin even supports student-run school stores with scannable vouchers.
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Metaverse Pets

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Meet the Metaverse Pets, a ground-breaking leap in student engagement! Now, students can spend their hard-earned reward points to purchase virtual pets in your school's reward store. Pets require daily care and feeding to keep them happy, so students are continuously encouraged to earn more coins and points to care for their animals.
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CritterCoin Virtual Pets

Limitless Learning Powered by AI

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Use Quests with AI to automate your school's entire PBIS program.
Interview Historical and Fictional Characters
Create and Grade Quizzes
Teach Foreign Languages
Teach Coding
Track Behavior Interventions
Issue Rewards and Recognition

Configure in Seconds with AI

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Simply paste your school's mission or value statement into CritterCoin's AI Setup Wizard. It will generate custom designed Coins and Houses perfect for your school. Also with CritterCoin's Clever and ClassLink support your teachers, students and staff get single sign-in on their launchpads!


CritterCoin works with Clever District SSO. Your Clever administrator simply activates the CritterCoin app in Clever then every teacher and student in all your district's schools can sign in with Clever!
Download Admin Setup Guide


CritterCoin works with ClassLink SSO and Roster Sync. Your ClassLink admin simply adds and configures the CritterCoin app in ClassLink and every teacher and student in the school can sign in with ClassLink!
Download Admin Setup Guide

Add Premium Features

Premium Houses
Premium Houses Display
Houses Display
$49.99 per screen per mo.
Cast your Houses to a large screen as a public digital scoreboard. Showcase house and student achievements in realtime!
Premium Quests
Premium Quests
$99.99 per mo.
Create massively flexible learning pathways with our visual designer. Teachers can send Quests to students in seconds.
Premium AI
AI (ChatGPT)
Artificial Intelligence
Requires Quests, usage pricing.
Increase student effort and achievement with personal tutors powered by ChatGPT. Students can learn anything at their own pace!
Premium Data
Premium Data Insights
Data Insights
$99.99 per school per mo.
Get reporting to track your school's progress. Analyze the points distributed, teacher utilization, student performance and compare from round to round.
Premium Boosters
Premium Boosters
$29.99 per mo.
Boost student improvement and performance with bonus Reward Points. Optionally collect donations for your school.
Premium Scannables
Premium Scannables
$29.99 per mo.
Allow students to earn coins by scanning QR codes that your teachers create. Includes a cast view showing students scanning in real-time.
Parent Parents
Premium Parent Access
Parent Access
$99.99 per school per mo.
Give parents access to their child's achievements and allow them to monitor their improvement from round to round! Includes our patented Dailies feature!
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School Safety Included: Interrupt any public screen showing Houses, Data Insights or Scannables with important announcements.

Collectible Critters!

Every time a House wins a round at your School, CritterCoin will issue a collectible Critter to every member of the House! Students can earn these over time and try to collect full sets. Older students can even withdraw them as real blockchain NFTs and keep them forever!
Critter NFTs
Avax Blockchain

Mobile Apps

Learn more

CritterCoin FAQ

CritterCoin is Free? What's the catch?
Yes, CritterCoin is free for schools and teachers forever! There is no catch and we don't sell, give out any data or allow any third parties to advertise.
How does CritterCoin make money?
We offer optional Premium Features, including Data Insights, Houses Display, Parental Access, Scannables and more! They are all designed to make your CritterCoin experience even better!
Does the free version include Houses and a Rewards Store?
Yes, CritterCoin includes Houses and a Rewards Store for every school.
Why does CritterCoin use digital Coins?
While other systems use badges, we are pioneering digital coins. Our research shows students love collecting coins more than badges.
What do the Coins represent?
Coins are fully customizable and usually represent behaviors your school wants to encourage. Your school can design custom coins depending on your program's goals.
How does Critter work day-to-day?
It's easy. Teachers simply send coins to students to reward desired behaviors! That's it! House points and Reward balances are automatically managed.
Are students required to have logins or email addresses?
No. You add the data you want and depending on what you provide certain features will become available.
What are the Critters in CritterCoin?
There are two types of Critters in CritterCoin, Metaverse Pets and Collectible Critters.
How do students earn new Critters?
Students earn a Collectible Critter everytime their House wins a round. Students can purchase Metaverse Pets anytime using their Reward Points.
How long do House rounds last?
It's up to your school. You can configure House Rounds to last any number of days. We recommend a 7 day round.
Does the admin have to manually end House Rounds?
If you school's House Rounds are set on a fixed interval CritterCoin will automatically close rounds and reset your scores and data.
Does CritterCoin support blockchain NFTs?
Yes! For older students familiar with NFTs, they can export their Critters as real NFTs on the Avalanche blockchain!
Where can I learn more?
Check out our quickstart guides for Administators, Teachers and Students
Can I import my teachers and students?
Absolutely! If your district or school uses Clever SSO or ClassLink SSO, simply install the CritterCoin app and everyone can sign in from their launch pad. If your school doesn't have SSO you can sync with a spreadsheet.
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